2021 Kutuluka kwa Facebook

From Wikipedia

Pa 15:39 UTC pa Okutobala 4, 2021,[1] malo ochezera a ku America a Facebook ndi othandizira ake, kuphatikiza Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Mapillary, ndi Oculus, adapezeka padziko lonse lapansi kwa maola opitilira asanu ndi awiri. Mapulogalamuwa atawonongeka, ogwiritsa ntchito adayamba kusamukira ku Twitter, Discord, ndi Telegraph, zomwe zidapangitsa kusokonezeka kwa ma seva a mapulogalamuwa.[2][3][4] Kuzimaku kunayambitsidwa chifukwa cha kutayika kwa njira za IP kupita kuma seva a Facebook Domain Name (DNS), omwe onse anali odziyang'anira pawokha panthawiyo. Njira zapa Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) zidabwezeretsedwanso pazinthu zoyambira pafupifupi 20:50, ndipo ntchito za DNS zidayamba kupezeka nthawi ya 21:05 UTC, koma ntchito zosanjikiza zidabwezeredwa pang'onopang'ono pa Facebook, Instagram, ndi WhatsApp zambiri kuposa ola limodzi pambuyo pake, atatha kupitirira maola asanu ndi awiri.[5]

Zoyambitsa[Sinthani | sintha gwero]

Akatswiri azachitetezo adazindikira kuti vutoli lidachotsedwa ngati Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) yochotsa ma adilesi a IP pomwe ma Domain Name Domain adasungidwa, zomwe zimapangitsa kuti ogwiritsa ntchito asamavutike kuthana ndi maina a Facebook ndi maina ena, ndikufikira ntchito. Zotsatira zake zidawonekera padziko lonse lapansi, mwachitsanzo wopereka chithandizo ku Internet ku Switzerland Init7 adalemba kutsika kwakukulu kwa intaneti pamasamba a Facebook pambuyo pa kusintha kwa Border Gateway Protocol.[6]

Kentik ndi Cloudflare adanenanso kuti nthawi ya 15:39 UTC Facebook idapanga zosintha zingapo za BGP, kuphatikiza njira zopita kuzinthu zoyambirira za IP zomwe zimaphatikizira mayina awo onse ovomerezeka. Izi zidapangitsa kuti ma seva a Facebook a DNS asapezeke pa intaneti. Pofika 15:50 UTC, madera a Facebook anali atatha nthawi yayitali kuchokera pazosunga anthu onse. Kutatsala pang'ono kuti 21:00 UTC ipite, Facebook idayambiranso kulengeza zosintha za BGP, pomwe dzina la Facebook lidayambiranso pa 21:05 UTC.[7]

Pafupifupi 22:45 UTC, Facebook ndi ntchito zokhudzana nazo zimapezeka nthawi zambiri.[8]

Yankho[Sinthani | sintha gwero]

Chief Technology Officer wa Facebook a Mike Schroepfer adalemba kupepesa patatha nthawi yopumula mpaka maola angapo, akunena kuti, "Matimu akugwira ntchito mwachangu momwe angathetsere ndikubwezeretsa mwachangu momwe angathere."[9]

Woimira ku America a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez adatumiza mawu pa tsambali, ndikupempha anthu kuti agawane "nkhani zofotokoza" pa Twitter, akunyoza mbiri ya Facebook pofalitsa zomwe zili zokayikitsa. Twitter ndi Reddit adayikiranso ma tweets pamaakaunti awo a Twitter omwe amanyoza kutuluka.[10]

Ogwiritsa ntchito onse a Twitter ndi Telegalamu adanenanso zakuchedwa munthawi zoyankha, zomwe zimakhulupirira kuti zimayambitsidwa ndi anthu nthawi zambiri pa Facebook omwe amasinthana nawo.[11]

Zolemba[Sinthani | sintha gwero]

  1. "Locked out and totally down: Facebook is scrambling to fix massive outage". The Verge. October 4, 2021. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
  2. Isaac, Mike; Frenkel, Sheera (October 4, 2021). "Facebook and all of its apps go down simultaneously". The New York Times.
  3. "Discord down? Current problems and outages". Downdetector. Archived from the original on October 4, 2021. Retrieved 4 October 2021.
  4. Dewar, Caitlyn (4 October 2021). "Is Twitter down?: Users report outage after Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram go down". The Herald. Retrieved 4 October 2021.
  5. Frenkel, Sheera. "Facebook coming back online after lengthy outage". The New York Times. Retrieved 4 October 2021.
  6. "Insta und WhatsApp down – so stark schrumpfte der Internet-Traffic". watson.ch (in German). Retrieved 2021-10-04.
  7. Strickx, Tom; Martinho, Celso (4 October 2021). "Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet". Retrieved 4 October 2021.
  8. "Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram back after outage". BBC News (in English). 2021-10-04. Retrieved 2021-10-04.
  9. "Twitter users suggest site is slowing down as it takes pressure from Facebook and Instagram outage". The Independent. October 4, 2021. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
  10. "Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram suffer outage". BBC News. October 4, 2021. Retrieved October 4, 2021.
  11. "Twitter users suggest site is slowing down as it takes pressure from Facebook and Instagram outage". The Independent. October 4, 2021. Retrieved October 4, 2021.