Colin Powell

Colin Luther Powell ( Epulo 5, 1937 - Okutobala 18, 2021) anali kazembe waku America, kazembe, komanso wamkulu wa nyenyezi zinayi yemwe adatumikira ngati mlembi wazaboma 65 ku United States kuyambira 2001 mpaka 2005. mlembi woyamba waku Africa-America. Adatumikira ngati 16th United States mlangizi wachitetezo cha dziko kuyambira 1987 mpaka 1989 komanso ngati wapampando wa 12th wa Joint Chiefs of Staff kuyambira 1989 mpaka 1993.[1][2]
Powell adabadwira ku New York City mu 1937 ndipo adaleredwa ku South Bronx. Makolo ake, a Luther ndi a Maud Powell, adasamukira ku United States kuchokera ku Jamaica. Anaphunzira ku masukulu aboma ku New York City ndipo adalandira digiri ya bachelor mu geology kuchokera ku City College of New York (CCNY). Anatenganso nawo gawo ku ROTC ku CCNY ndipo analandila ntchito ngati lieutenant wachiwiri wankhondo atamaliza maphunziro awo mu Juni 1958. Anali msirikali waluso kwa zaka 35, munthawi imeneyi anali ndiudindo wambiri komanso wogwira ntchito mpaka atakhala nyenyezi zinayi ambiri. Anali Mtsogoleri wa US Army Forces Command mu 1989.
Powell pomaliza ntchito yankhondo, kuyambira Okutobala 1989 mpaka Seputembara 1993, anali wapampando wa 12th wa Joint Chiefs of Staff, udindo wapamwamba kwambiri wankhondo ku department of Defense. Munthawi imeneyi, adayang'anira zovuta 28, kuphatikiza kuwukira kwa Panama mu 1989 ndi Operation Desert Storm mu Persian Gulf War yolimbana ndi Iraq mu 1990-1991. Adapanga Chiphunzitso cha Powell chomwe chimalepheretsa asitikali aku America pokhapokha ngati chikwaniritsa zofunikira zokhudzana ndi chitetezo chamayiko aku America, gulu lalikulu, ndikuthandizira anthu ambiri.[3]
Anali mlembi wazaka 65 waku United States, wogwira ntchito motsogozedwa ndi Purezidenti wa Republican a George W. Bush. Pokhala mlembi wa boma, a Powell adalankhula pamaso pa United Nations pazifukwa zomenyera nkhondo yaku Iraq. Pambuyo pake adavomereza kuti malankhulidwewo anali ndi zolakwika zazikulu. Adakakamizidwa kusiya ntchito Bush atasankhidwanso mu 2004.[4]
Mu 1995, Powell adalemba mbiri yake, My American Journey, kenako atapuma pantchito buku lina, It Worked for Me, Lessons in Life and Leadership (2012). Adachita ntchito yolankhula pagulu, amalankhula kwa omvera mdziko lonselo komanso akunja. Asanasankhidwe ngati Secretary of State, a Powell adatsogolera America's Promise.
Adapambana mphotho zodzikongoletsera zingapo zaku US ndi zakunja. Mphotho zake zankhondo zikuphatikiza Mendulo ya Purezidenti ya Ufulu (kawiri), Mendulo ya Golide ya DRM, Mendulo ya Purezidenti Citizens, ndi Mphotho Yotchuka Ya Secretary. Mu 2016, pomwe sanasankhidwe pachisankho cha chaka chimenecho, adalandira mavoti atatu kuchokera ku Washington kuti akhale Purezidenti wa United States.[5]
Powell, yemwe amalandila khansa yamagazi, adamwalira ndi zovuta za COVID-19 pa Okutobala 18, 2021.[6][7][8]
[Sinthani | sintha gwero]- ↑ "Biographies of the Secretary of State:Colin Luther Powell". US Department of State, Office of the Historian. Archived from the original on August 2, 2018. Retrieved November 16, 2015.
- ↑ Palmowski, Jan (2008). "Powell, Colin Luther". A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3d ed.). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-929567-8. OCLC 173498636. Archived from the original on October 19, 2021. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
- ↑ LaFeber 2009.
- ↑ LaFeber 2009, p. 71.
- ↑ Richardson, Valerie (December 21, 2016). "Colin Powell places third in presidential race at Electoral College". Washington Times. Archived from the original on October 20, 2018. Retrieved October 19, 2018.
- ↑ Garrison, Joey (October 18, 2021). "'Country before self ... before all else': US presidents remember Colin Powell as American hero". USA Today. Archived from the original on October 18, 2021. Retrieved October 19, 2021.
- ↑ "Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell Dies From COVID-19 - October 18, 2021". Daily News Brief. October 18, 2021. Archived from the original on October 18, 2021. Retrieved October 18, 2021.
- ↑ Schmitt, Eric (October 18, 2021). "Colin Powell, Who Shaped U.S. National Security, Dies at 84". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archived from the original on October 18, 2021. Retrieved October 18, 2021.