World Health Organization

World Health Organization (WHO) ndi bungwe lapadera la United Nations lomwe limayang'anira zaumoyo wapadziko lonse lapansi.[1] Constitution ya WHO ikufotokoza cholinga chake chachikulu monga "kupeza ndi anthu onse athanzi". Yoyang'anira ku Geneva, Switzerland, ili ndi maofesi sikisi asanu ndi limodzi ndi maofesi akumunda 150 padziko lonse lapansi.

WHO idakhazikitsidwa pa 7 Epulo 1948.[2][3] Msonkhano woyamba wa World Health Assembly (WHA), bungwe lolamulira la bungweli, udachitika pa 24 Julayi chaka chomwecho. WHO idaphatikizapo chuma, ogwira ntchito, komanso ntchito za League of Nations 'Health Organisation ndi Office International d'Hygiène Publique, kuphatikiza International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Ntchito yake idayamba mwakhama mu 1951 pambuyo polowetsedwa kwakukulu pazachuma ndi ukadaulo.[4]
Ntchito ya WHO ikuphatikizira kulimbikitsa chisamaliro chaumoyo wa anthu onse, kuwunika zoopsa zaumoyo wa anthu, kuwongolera mayankho pakagwa zadzidzidzi, komanso kulimbikitsa thanzi. Amapereka chithandizo chamayiko kumayiko, amakhazikitsa miyezo yazaumoyo wapadziko lonse lapansi, komanso amatenga zidziwitso pazokhudzaumoyo wapadziko lonse lapansi. Buku, World Health Report, limapereka kuwunika mitu yazaumoyo padziko lonse lapansi. WHO imagwiranso ntchito ngati malo okambirana pazokhudzaumoyo.
WHO yatenga gawo lotsogola pantchito zingapo zazaumoyo wa anthu, makamaka kuthana ndi nthomba, kufafaniza poliyo, komanso kupangira katemera wa Ebola. Zomwe akuika patsogolo pano zikuphatikiza matenda opatsirana, makamaka HIV / AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19, malungo ndi chifuwa chachikulu; matenda osapatsirana monga matenda amtima ndi khansa; chakudya chopatsa thanzi, chopatsa thanzi, komanso chitetezo cha chakudya; thanzi pantchito; ndi kugwiritsa ntchito mankhwala osokoneza bongo. World Health Assembly, bungwe lopanga zisankho ku bungweli, limasankha ndikulangiza komiti yayikulu yopangidwa ndi akatswiri azaumoyo 34. Amasankha mtsogoleri wamkulu, amakhala ndi zolinga ndi zofunika kuchita, ndikuvomereza bajeti ndi zochitika. Woyang'anira wamkulu ndi a Tedros Adhanom aku Ethiopia.
WHO imadalira zopereka kuchokera kumayiko mamembala (onse owunika komanso odzifunira) ndi omwe amapereka mwaokha ndalama. Bajeti yake yonse yovomerezeka ya 2020-2021 idutsa $ 7.2 biliyoni, yomwe ambiri amachokera kuzopereka zodzifunira kuchokera kumayiko mamembala. Zopereka zimayesedwa ndi chilinganizo chomwe chimaphatikizapo GDP pamunthu aliyense.[5][6] Mwa omwe adathandizira kwambiri panali Germany (yomwe idapereka 12.18% ya bajeti), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (11.65%), ndi United States (7.85%).[7]
[Sinthani | sintha gwero]- ↑ Jan 24, Published; 2019 (24 January 2019). "The U.S. Government and the World Health Organization". The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (in English). Archived from the original on 18 March 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
- ↑ "CONSTITUTION OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION" (PDF). Basic Documents. World Health Organization. Forty-fifth edition, Supplement: 20. October 2006. Archived (PDF) from the original on 19 May 2020. Retrieved 19 May 2020.
- ↑ "History". (in English). Archived from the original on 22 March 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.
- ↑ Jan 24, Published; 2019 (24 January 2019). "The U.S. Government and the World Health Organization". The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (in English). Archived from the original on 18 March 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
- ↑ Jan 24, Published; 2019 (24 January 2019). "The U.S. Government and the World Health Organization". The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (in English). Archived from the original on 18 March 2020. Retrieved 18 March 2020.CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
- ↑ "WHO | Programme Budget Web Portal". Retrieved 1 February 2021.
- ↑ "European governments working with U.S. on plans to overhaul WHO, health official says". The Globe and Mail Inc. Reuters. 19 June 2020. Archived from the original on 20 June 2020. Retrieved 19 June 2020.